Monthly Newsletter


Monthly Newsletter

Monthly Newsletter

Food Distribution with FoodBank

The distribution point for this food rationing exercise is at Block 92 Henderson Road. About 80 volunteers from FoodBank gathered at the distribution point together with our SHG staff and volunteers at 10 am to pack the items for distribution to the needy households on blocks 91 & 92 Henderson Road. 

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Food Distribution with UBS Singapore

The distribution point for this food rationing exercise is at Macpherson Zone C Residents’ Committee. About 50 corporate volunteers from UBS Singapore gathered at the distribution point together with our SHG staff and volunteers at 10 am to pack the items for distribution to the needy households on blocks 68, 70, 71 and 72 Circuit Road.

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News - June 2023

Gala Dinner 2023

After a 3-year hiatus due to Covid-19 pandemic, this 2023 Gala Dinner, which was held at Furama Riverfront Hotel, was a successful and memorable event. 

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HP on Tiktok

Social Health Growth (SHG) collaborated with the Hewlett Packard (HP) team to bring computer literacy class to the children of our beneficiaries, under the theme  .

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Tuas Power at Science Centre

Today is the first day of the June school holidays, and Social Health Growth (SHG) has a collaboration with Tuas Power to bring our beneficiary children to Singapore Science Centre (SSC) specially to watch the SSC Electrified Show.

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News - May 2023

Social Health Growth (“SHG”) is a charity organization registered with the Commissioner of Charities in 2012. SHG’s vision is to assist low-income families, single parents and unwed mothers to raise their children to be contributing members of the society.

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